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Lacrima di Giobbe instant herbal tea


Draining, opens the stomach and promotes digestion.  Eliminates excess moisture and strengthens the metabolism.

Category: Product ID: 4799



Thanks to the medicated DIET products of Hopispharma the long oriental tradition of medicated meals is today more in line with the increasingly varied needs of westerners. Far-eastern culture and Chinese culture are depositories of the principle that food has a medicinal value: one example is Coix lacryma Jobi, present in this formulation, which is widely used both in pharmaceutical formulations and for cooking. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine Job’s Tear is an excellent tonic of Qi because it does not produce heat and disperses moisture without affecting the Yin. It would be ideally used at breakfast for a detoxifying and harmonizing effect.

Mandarin Zest promotes digestion, favors  smooth gastrointestinal motility and the elimination of gas. It improves fluidification of bronchial secretions, relaxation and mental wellbeing. The ginger extract is active on digestion, with an anti-nausea effect. It promotes regular cardiovascular system function and blood circulation. Ginger has a positive effect on joint function and contrasts localized tensions.

We suggest you add Job’s Tear to vegetable soups, with a drop of extra virgin olive oil, preferably from the latest harvest, which moistens without wetting: please remember that we use a 10:1 extract so you can add a coffee spoon of it to your meal. Job’s Tear can effectively remove unhealthy water deposits accumulated for years: this herb dissolves negative energies that have built-up in water deposits accumulated inside the body.


The taste of a meal into a medication, we have gone beyond the classic formulation without disrupting it and we are really in the van offering the most effective and balanced doses. While enjoying a daily gesture you are already beyond the philosophy of nutraceuticals.

the indications according to traditional Chinese medicine do not in any way want to replace western medicine and medical advice.





Half a tea spoon in 250 ml of water, in the morning before breakfast and after one of the main meals. As an alternative, add it to vegetable soups, vegetable creams, soups or consommé, with a drop of extra virgin olive oil – better if from the harvest of the current year; the taste of a meal in a nutraceutical dish (1 teaspoon of tea every three servings).

During the day, drink fermented tea, such as Eikes Pu-erh-Tea: that would be perfect.



Job’s Tears         1760 mg

Azuki                      1760 mg

Mandarin Zest     400 mg

Ginger                    80 mg



100 g

PET white vase with re-closable seal cap



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Numata M, Yamamoto A, Moribayashi A, Yamada H. Antitumor components isolated from the Chinese herbal medicine Coix lachryma-jobi. Planta Med. 1994; 60(4):356-9.Kuo CC

Oh Sung Kwon, Myoung Seok Jeong, Bonglee Kim, and Sung-Hoon Kim, “Antiangiogenic Effect of Ethanol Extract of Vigna angularis via Inhibition of Phosphorylation of VEGFR2, Erk, and Akt,” Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. 2015, Article ID 371368, 9 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/371368

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