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The association of mucilages of althea and ericium represent a soothing reference for the mucous membranes

Category: Product ID: 4854



Hericium – also known as Lion’s Mane or Old Man’s Beard – is the medicinal mushroom used in this product. In Gastroeikes Syrup it is associated with Althea and Lentisk. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice has scar healing and antimicrobial properties thanks to its flavonoids: the absence of glycyrrhizin acid limits the undesirable effects on blood pressure. Lentisk (mastic of Chios) has beneficial effects on the digestive system and the regularity of intestinal transit.

Althea has an emollient and soothing action on the digestive system, acting positively on intestinal transit. To offer even more to our customers, our formulations are prepared weekly; not more than 10 specimen per batch are produced at a time and they are manually numbered.


According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Meridians: Stomach, Spleen, (Large) Intestine

Action: Yin

Associated elements: Water, Metal, Earth



oral mucosa


nervous system wellness


the indications according to traditional Chinese medicine do not in any way want to replace western medicine and medical advice.



  • HERICIUM ERINACEUM DRIED EXTRACT titrated at 40% in polysaccharides*
  • PISTACIA LENTISCUS dried extract


10 ml twice a day after meals and possibly at bedtime.



ALTHAEA                                           800 mg

HERICIUM                                          800 mg


PISTACIA LENTISCUS                      200 mg



200ml – 280g

Glass bottle


*country of origin R.P China

** country of origin Italy



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