The Plants


Ganoderma lucidum

Immunostimulant, Cardiovascular, Antioxidant, Antiinflammatory, Antiallergic, Antiviral




Tonifies qi, nourishes the blood and calms the mind

Meridians: heart, spleen, stomach, liver, lung

Associated Elements: water, wood, fire

The ancients thought that there were five indispensable qualities of life, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water, known as the five phases. Each of them possesses different characteristics, and all phenomena and things within the universe belong to one of these five phases.
The idea that has developed through the five-phase theory is that all phenomena and things in the universe are products of the movement and mutation of these five phases. It is also the philosophical theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
In this context, Ganoderma fits in as the buttress that inextricably links the two disciplines. Its fruiting body as well as mycelium and spores, have always, been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to treat liver, hypertension, blood sugar, asthma, insomnia, as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory.
Modern science has sequenced well over sixteen thousand genes in Reishi, they constitute the intervention pool of our mushroom since by going to code for several cytochrome P450 enzymes they superintend the production of many secondary active metabolites involved in maintaining our good health.
In today's day and age, Ganoderma is added to a little bit of everything, we firmly believe that the intake as an infusion offered by eikes remains the Olympic yardstick of comparison for any type of product.




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