The Plants


Lentinula edulus






 Shiitake is a basidiomycete that decomposes wood and then grows inside the dead or dying tree of various species such as chestnut, beech, oak, Japanese alder, and mulberry. It prefers moist, shady areas and is native to China and Japan. The mushrooms are harvested in the fall, before winter and in the spring when the reproductive cycle is stimulated and they emerge through the bark of trees.Edible mushrooms such as shiitake have been used in folk and ethnic medicine, which considers them legendary and still are today for their immune-stimulating properties. They contain as many as 18 amino acids including essential ones, β-glucans, high molecular weight polysaccharides, polyphenols with antioxidant effect, linoleic acid, fiber, minerals, sterols, triterpenes and glycoproteins.
In particular, attention focused on β-glucans after Chiara and Hamuro isolated from Shiitake in 1968 a β-glucan with antitumor activity later named Lentinan.One of its components Erythadenine is able to lower blood cholesterol, acting not on the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis but by accelerating its excretion and excretion metabolism.The antioxidant action of Shiitake has a profile of interest not only in general but also specifically with regard to lipid peroxidation.
β-glucans in particular from Shiitake have also been shown to be very effective at the level of oral health in gingivitis and in situations of oral cavity distress in general.Periodontal lesions in chronic periodontitis in particular are associated with a predominant subgingival microbiota from anaerobic gram-negative rods, spirochetes, and other microorganisms. Chronic periodontitis is a complex process itself involving periodontal microorganisms and the immune system.The use of certain immunomodulating agents can stimulate immune response defenses and activate macrophages and neutrophils. Beta-glucans in general manifest immunomodulatory effects, and since macrophage activation is positively affected, we can speculate that the tissue destruction observed in periodontal disease may be inhibited by the use of this immunomodulatory agent.



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 Lena Ciric, Anna Tymon, Egija Zaura, Peter Lingstr¨om, Monica Stauder,Adele Papetti, Caterina Signoretto, Jonathan Pratten,MichaelWilson,and David Spratt In Vitro Assessment of ShiitakeMushroom(Lentinula edodes) Extract for Its Antigingivitis Activity, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology Volume 2011, Article ID 507908, 7 pages doi:10.1155/2011/507908



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