The Plants

Syzgium aromaticum-Carnation clove

Syzygium aromaticum L Merr. Et Perry

It is a tree native to the Moluccas with persistent, oval, leathery leaves whose flowers present in panicles at the extremities of the branches when ripe show four red sepals, four pinkish white petals and numerous stamens. It produces fruits shaped like elongated berries. The drug consists of the flower buds called cloves, which represents one of the oldest and most prized spices with an aromatic and pungent flavor.
The main constituents of the drug are the essential oil, which is steam extracted and rich in eugenol and caryophyllene. Eugenol has been widely used in dentistry due to its ability to soothe tooth pain, however, the mechanisms of its action remain largely unexplained but the analgesic effect is thought to be attributable to its action on Na + and Ca2 + channels.



Shan B, Cai YZ, Sun M, Corke H. Antioxidant capacity of 26 spice extracts and characterization of their phenolic constituents. J Agric Food Chem. 2005;53(20):7749–7759

Jirovetz L, Buchbauer G, Stoilova I, Stoyanova A, Krastanov A, Schmidt E. Chemical composition and antioxidant properties of clove leaf essential oil. J Agric Food Chem. 2006;54(17):6303–6307

Gülçin I, Elmastaş M, Aboul-Enein HY. Antioxidant activity of clove oil-A powerful antioxidant source. Arab J Chem. 2012;5(4):489-499

Li HY, Lee BK, Kim JS, Jung SJ, Oh SB. Eugenol inhibits ATP-induced P2X currents in trigeminal ganglion neurons. Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. 2008;12(6):315-321

Lee MH, Yeon KY, Park CK, Li HY, Fang Z, Kim MS, Choi SY, Lee SJ, Lee S, Park K, Lee JH, Kim JS, Oh SB. Eugenol inhibits calcium currents in dental afferent neurons. J Dent Res 84: 848-851, 2005

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